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contoh kalimat graduate school

"graduate school" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • With... more feelings. I am studying folklore in graduate school.
    {帶著感情...} pas kuliah aku belajar etnologi.
  • J.D. Program is offered through the Graduate School of Law.
    Program J.D.ditawarkan melalui Sekolah Pascasarjana Hukum.
  • School exchange programs, graduate school, kibbutz- anything.
    Program pertukaran sekolah, lulusan sekolah, kibbutz- atau apalah.
  • Don't complain anymore. Just concentrate on preparing for graduate school.
    Berhentilah membalas omonganku, dan bersiap-siaplah kembali kuliah.
  • By graduate school Collins considered himself an atheist.
    Sampai masa kuliah pasca-sarjana Collins mengaku sebagai seorang ateis.
  • Not bad... I, myself, started graduate school at 14.
    Tidak buruk... aku sendiri baru lulus saat umur 14.
  • I'd love to have seen her graduate school.
    l'd suka telah melihat dia universitas.
  • She met her husband just before she finished graduate school.
    Ia mulai bekerja sebelum tamat belajar di sekolah.
  • So, um, what's your plan for graduate school?
    Jadi apa rencanamu setelah lulus?
  • As busy as she is, she's still ambitious enough to attend graduate school.
    Dia sangat sibuk, dia masih ambisius menyelesaikan sekolahnya.
  • Then why are you speaking to me in that graduate school medical jargon?
    Lalu kenapa kau bicara padaku memakai istilah-istilah medis itu?
  • I just enrolled in graduate school!
    Aku sudah lulus sekolah!
  • My first job out of graduate school was working for Leslie Breitbart.
    Pekerjaan pertamaku saat lulus sekolah adalah bekerja untuk Leslie Breitbart.
  • Boner flew to America for graduate school immediately after his military service.
    Boner terbang ke Amerika untuk sekolah pascasarjana segera setelah dinas militer.
  • Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies
    Graduate School of Studi Wilayah Asia dan Afrika
  • The University of Chicago, Graduate School of Economics, PH.D.
    University of Chicago, Sekolah Pascasarjana Ekonomi, PH.D.
  • How to write a resume objective for graduate school
    panduan gamer cara untuk menang di SMA
  • Makiya Nishikawa, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Jusuke Ikegami, Associate Professor, Center International Education
  • 2001 Establishment of the Graduate School of Public Health.
    1994 Pembentukan Graduate School of Business resmi.
  • Graduate School for Science for Human Services, Professor
    Institute of Human Sciences, Ritsumeikan University - ARAKI, Hozumi
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